Customer Service


US Orders:  Returns are easy.  We will gladly accept all returns for items purchased within 30 days of the date you receive your order. Customer will need to pay for the return slip. The item(s) must be unused, unworn, and free of damage. All original packaging must be included.

Please contact our customer support team to start your return. Please make sure to print your return authorization and include it in the return box. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing, once your return has been received - you can track this in your account details. 

International Orders:  Returns outside the US would be paid by the customer.  We will gladly accept all returns for items purchased within 30 days of the date you receive your order.  The item(s) must be unused, unworn, and free of damage. All original packaging must be included.

For refunds, the return value is determined by the purchased retail price of the item. Shipping charges are non-refundable. You can be charged up to a 10% restocking fee for any components that are not returned.

If you decide to return the majority of your order with 4 or more pairs there will be a 10% restocking fee will be applied to the overall value of the returned sunglasses.

All refunds will be credited to the original payment method. Please note that your refund may not be reflected on your account for up to 10 business days, depending on your bank's processing time. 

If you have any questions regarding a return or refund on custom frames, please contact us at